

Hometown Health Centers is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) incorporated under New York
State’s not-for-profit law. It provides quality healthcare services without regard to the patient’s ability to
pay. As part of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, Hometown maintains robust compliance
standards to identify and stamp-out fraud, waste, and abuse.

Anyone affiliated with Hometown Health Centers (Hometown) is expected to participate in its
Compliance Program. Contractors, Board Members, and Staff (including interns and students) are
required to promptly report concerns about fraud, waste, and abuse. Patients are also strongly
encouraged to report concerns. See contact information below.

Anyone reporting concerns is protected under State and Federal whistleblower protections. If you make
a report, you cannot: lose a contract; be fired from your job; demoted or denied a work promotion; be
removed as a board director; or denied care as a patient for making a report.

Hometown’s Compliance Program is designed to meet obligations under Federal Law, New York State
Social Services Law, and New York Code of Rules and Regulations. In addition, updating the Program to
include the latest healthcare industry best practices is ongoing. See below for citations to some of the
applicable Federal and State Laws and Regulations.

Doing Business with Hometown Health Centers

Hometown sometimes requires quality services or products at a fair price from carefully screened
contractors. They are checked on Exclusion Lists, their business reputation is evaluated, and a final
selection is based on a competitive bidding process if applicable.

As noted, contractors are expected to comply with Hometown’s Compliance Program or have a
comparable program in place to aggressively combat fraud, waste, and abuse.

Hometown’s Compliance Officer (contact information listed below) must be notified if concerns arise
regarding impropriety, unethical conduct, or violations to State and Federal Law and Regulations.

Reporting fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicaid/Medicare programs is not an option. It is a
requirement for doing business with Hometown.

Contractual Requirements

In addition to meeting some of the compliance standards outlined above, vendors may be required to
collaborate with contract auditing, provide evidence of up-to-date cybersecurity protocols, share
appropriate training documentation, assist in any State or Federal investigation, and give System and
Organization Control Reports (SOC-1 or SOC-2) regarding security, financial controls, processing
integrity, and privacy/confidentiality upon request. Also, contractors must receive written authorization
from Hometown before any assignment or subcontracting is allowed. On the rare occasion
subcontractors are permitted, they too will be required to meet compliance standards to identify and
stop fraud, waste, and abuse. This includes, but is not limited to, training staff.

Vendors receive an annual letter reminding them of obligations to either abide by Hometown’s
Compliance Program or to have one in place meeting best practices for compliance. These practices
should include training.

Exclusion Lists

All Staff, vendors, Board Members, job applicants, prospective Board Members, and anyone seeking to
do business with Hometown Health Centers shall be regularly checked on State and Federal Exclusion

Persons or businesses on Exclusion Lists are those who have committed Medicare or Medicaid fraud.
It is illegal for any vendor or consultant listed on a State or Federal Exclusion List to do business with an
entity participating in the Medicare, Medicaid, or other State or Federal healthcare programs. This also
applies to employees and Board Members.

Medical Malpractice

Hometown Health Centers is classified as a “Federal Public Health Service” employee. It receives some
of its funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It has Federal Public Health
Service (PHS) deemed status regarding certain health or health-related claims, including medical
malpractice claims. Hometown employees and some persons affiliated with it are covered under the
Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). For further information, please visit:

Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
Federal Tort Claims Act

Or contact Paul Jesep at Hometown Health Centers,, 518-370-1441

Important Hometown Documents

Board Bylaws – Hometown Health Centers is a Federally Quality Health Center (FQHC). As a not-for-
profit community health center, it is governed with Bylaws and State and Federal Laws as enforced by an elected, volunteer Board of Directors.

Standards of Conduct – The Codes are a part of Hometown’s Compliance Program. It encompasses
principles of ethics, integrity, character, professionalism, and compliant behavior.

Board Resolution – The Resolution is example of commitment by Hometown’s Board of Directors to
compliance which includes, but is not limited to identifying and stopping fraud, waste, and abuse under
State and Federal law. Hometown’s Board and the Staff are dedicated to being good stewards of
resources while providing quality, accessible care.

Mission & Values – As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or community health center,
Hometown provides access to quality healthcare to an underserved population. It’s Mission and Values
reflects its commitment to patients and the community while being good stewards of resources.

Corporate Compliance Manual – The Manual provides Staff, vendors, Board Members, and anyone
affiliated with Hometown a resource to help meet the requirements of the Compliance Program. It is
reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors.

Compliance Policies and Procedures – Every year Hometown’s Internal Compliance Committee represented by management Staff from across all departments reviews and approves Compliance Policies and Procedures. They are then submitted to the Board’s Compliance Committee for further evaluation. Once the Board’s Compliance Committee has given its approval, the Policies and Procedures are then submitted to the full Board for a vote. Staff, Board Members, and in many cases vendors/consultants are bound by them.

Important State and Federal Regulations
Compliance Officer Contact to Report Concerns about Fraud, Waste, and Abuses

Paul Jesep ESQ., MPS, MA
Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
Hometown Health Centers
1044 State Street
Schenectady, NY 12065

Phone: 518-370-1440 Ext. 4168
Fax: 518-346-3526


Compliance Hotline (*67) 518-688-3460 to leave an anonymous message.

The Hotline is available 24/7.

If you’re a patient and see something suspicious, you’re strongly encouraged to report it. Patients
cannot be denied affordable and timely access to quality care for reporting a concern. It is illegal.
Concerns also can be reported to the State and/or Federal Office of Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG)
or any appropriate government agencies.

Official emblem for entities covered by the federal tort claims act under hrsa's health center program.


Hometown Health Centers is classified as a “Federal Public Health Service” employee. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provides it with some of its funding.

Hometown Health Centers has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status regarding certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice, for itself and its covered employees or certain persons affiliated with it. This covered under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).

For further information please visit:

Health and Human Services  –

Public Health Service  –

Federal Tort claims Act (FTCA)  –